
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ensemble du Jour

The Outfit
I didn't really think about it until I put this together but I'm wearing more grey today. Must be the weather. Anyhoo, I'm wearing a sparkly grey jersey top from Target and my charcoal denim skirt.

The shoes are from Target last year. They are the Dysis style and are grey suede. This is kind of a trendy shoe, which I got in black and red patent as well, so I didn't want to spend huge amounts on them. Surprisingly they are pretty comfortable because of the platform.

The Focal Point
Normally my hair is pretty flat and straight with just enough wave that it gets all fly-away when it isn't blown out. But this morning it was just of blowsy and whispy so I tried to do a "bigger" hairdo ala The Sartorialist with chopsticks and my KissCurl feather fascinator.

It probably looked more scary and messy than I perceived it as but we had some crazy tornado weather at night. I could blame it on that.


  1. I have those shoes in black patent!

    I couldn't wear them much last year because I had sprained my foot, however this year they don't seem as high and scary as they did last year, I think I might actually be able to wear these again!

  2. I got them in the black and red patent too. The platform really helps!



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