
Friday, April 11, 2008

First Signs of Spring

I hope everyone is having as beautiful weather today as we are having. It's cool but sunny and so gorgeous. I even had the top down on the car riding in to work!

Spring just amazes me. Growing up in Miami we never really had a Spring. When I moved to North Carolina it was in the summer. The next March all of the trees started flowering and blooms were everywhere. At first I didn't really know what the heck was going on. My husband, from the north, said "This is what Spring is like." It dawned on me that I'd never really experienced the change of seasons like that before.

These vintage shoes totally make me think of Spring.

I got these from eBay. I love the 50's/60's shape but the color is great too.

But the embroidery on the leather is what makes the connection for me. They look like the green sprigs on our maple trees.

I like to think these were worn to a luncheon or ladies' tea or some such event. They would be perfect with a shirtwaist patterned dress with green in the design. Maybe I need to find one that would go with them.


  1. Very Cute! I'm a little gun-shy at the moment from buying vintage shoes on Ebay. A lot of sellers do not know how to properly measure and think that rounding up or down by 1/8 in. in the width is ok when the fact of the matter is that every little bit matters! I've just had a horrible experience with this myself and now I don't know what to do with these beautiful shoes I've bought that I can't get my foot into. UGH!

  2. I've had a few of those too. Luckily I haven't spent more than $15 or so, but still. My bigger issue is when they come in a bit more "scuffed up" than they appeared in the picture. I'm not sure if I am going to try and resell or just donate.


  3. Oh yeah, I know all about not showing what the item actually looks like. I almost bought this amazing 50's dress and contacted the buyer about maybe lowering the price a bit which she refused to do. So I kept watching the dress and sure enough she lowered the price and then added that the dress also had a huge wine stain that conveniently wasn't mentioned before. Some people....ugh

  4. Those are very cute. They definitely look worthy of ladies who lunch or garden tea parties. Just out of curiosity, what size do you wear?

    I'm currently bidding on a few pairs of vintage shoes on eBay. I love that there's such a variety of vintage on eBay. However, the whole experience can be very stressful, especially when you're getting outbid on something you *must* have.

  5. Now they are a great ebay find. I'm like fashiontemptress, not too many happy stories about vintage ebay shoes.

  6. Robo - I typically wear a 5 or 5.5 in modern shoes. In vintage I'll go for a 5.5 or 6 depending on the narrowness. When the put the measurements it really helps although it doesn't make it easier to search by size. I end up sifting through everything which takes FOREVER!

    I've had some really good items and some really sucky items. I try to get my shoe repair guy to help but he will only do so much. I'll say I've been happy about 85% of the time with the vintage shoes. But when they're good they're very very good.

    Temptress - That stinks! At least you found out about it ahead of time.


  7. Man, you make me feel like I have gigantor boat feet.


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