
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Living with Disappointment

So I was going to write this whole post about how much I really really love these feather heels from Alexander McQueen....

and how they aren't making them and I'll never get these delightful shoes that I'm pining away for....

and how lovely these Alexandra Neel heels are...

and how they would be a great substitute since I'll probably never see the McQueens ...

But then I realized - I already had!

The update is, though, the Alexandra Neels went on a big ole sale and I got them! Yeah, me!


  1. So, I read your blog all the time and I have two questions. How many pairs of shoes do you buy a month and do the people at Target know you by name? ;0)This is all in fun of course....

  2. Fashiontemptress -

    I probably buy far far too many but am going to commit to slowing it way down! I swear!

    I only hope the folks at Target do not snicker at me since I go in there and I look like I just came from a catalog shoot since I'm all in Target.

    I have to stop going in there too, because it's just evil! They have some sort of mind control. It's the only explanation.


  3. There's something about the heel angle on the McQueens that just looks "wrong" - like it's just not gonna be comfortable and will probably snap off the minute I get out and the cab drives away. Congratulations on getting the Neels though. They are gorgeeeeous!!!! carol

  4. Style Spy tried on some McQueens from this same season and said they were very pinchy. But in my dreams they are still perfect and heavenly. No reality to intrude.

    I love the Neels even more in person. But I love feathers no matter what, so I'm probably biased. They are very soft and comfy too.


  5. Haha, I totally understand about Target being evil, only lately I haven't been having as much of a problem controlling myself in the clothes and shoe dept, it's the interiors and chocolate areas that worry me........

  6. Alexandra Neel shoes NEVER fit me :-(

  7. Wendy,

    That's a bummer! But I know how you feel, especially when shoes don't go smaller than a size 6. It's so frustrating!



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