
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Updates and Reminders

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to send you some updates on how Mr. Napoleon is doing. Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and good wishes. Here's how he normally looks. As I mentioned, he lost almost all the feathers on his back and tail. Frankly, he's a bit of a mess right now. If you want to see how he's doing, you can click here.

But, he's still alive and that's what matters to us. Were working out a system to keep him calm and for giving him his shots and the meds. We decided to give him his pain shot in the morning so it calms him down during the day.

Yesterday, we had our webcam on him and I was able to peek at him throughout the day. He spent a lot of his time looking out from the porch over to the coop. When I got home I saw that the two girls were up next to the coop yard fence looking over at him. Sweeties! I know they miss each other but we have to keep him safe and clean right now. So they must be apart of a while more.

I also wanted to send a quick reminder that I'm still looking for your shoe story! The anniversary celebration is on through Sunday! So drop in a comment or send me an email at princesspoochie (at) shoedaydreams (dot) com.


  1. wow.. he seems like he's doing great, walking around crowing and all..
    i'm sure he'll be okay!@ ;_)

  2. Oh, I'm glad he's doing better. Poor thing!


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