
Monday, August 3, 2009

They Say It's Your Birthday

I don't usually make birthday lists because I tend to be bad and buy stuff for myself, but....

Here are some things I have on my virtual wish list...

Poochie Pink Birthday
Poochie Pink Birthday by Princess Poochie on

* A yellow or rose gold and silver hand-stamped Crown wax seal The Love Story necklace with a 24" chain

* A Diana and/or a Holga camera (pink version optional)

* I have a bunch of pictures that need to get framed

* Antoni & Alison skirts - I love the patterns they have.

* Topshop Kameron brogues in pink and gold. Why did I wait so long???

* Wode Paint perfume. Not even sure how this smells but it's so cool!

* Gentry de Paris Victorian Corset Boots. Of course I totally need these.

* Femme Sud Diary book clutch. I'd take a turquoise 1st place wristlet too.

* Pink carnations... or carnation perfume. Super sweet.

Now I know I sound terribly greedy but, these are the kinds of things I want to get for myself, so maybe it's more like a "treats for me" list than a "hope I someone buys me all this" list.


  1. I'm so aching for the Kameron shoes is gold & silver! Gah.

  2. Hehe I keep mental lists of things I want to buy myself too.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhh...I *want* that pink camera viciously.

  4. Oh, I must just be missing the WendyB jewelry. I DO need glasses after all!

  5. Of course I'm ALWAYS missing WendyB jewelry! But as these will probably be things I get myself, I needed to save the "good stuff" for when the hubby buys for me!

  6. ain't femme sud amazing? well happy belated birtday again and i can't wait to see what you do with those vintage epaulets!!! (i'm dying)


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