
Monday, December 21, 2009

Days of Intention - The Beginning

I am a believer in the power of intention. I believe that writing things down makes them happen. This is either a subconscious manifestation or, in some cases, a magical one. But I’ve seen in time and time again in my own life so that I can’t discount it.

Each year I take off the last two weeks of the year. I have been doing this for over 12 years now. While many people spend their vacation time in the Spring or Summer, I prefer the Winter. It is a time when my job can often be quieter and I find that when other people are distracted by the holidays, I have more freedom to concentrate on things I want to do just for me. I try to work on personal to dos, relax, read and spend time with the pets.

I have a ritual of reading, right around mid-November, How to Simplify your Christmas. The book itself isn’t that great or innovative but it reminds me of the intentions that I have for myself during this period. What I like to at the end of the year, along with buying a new weekly desk calendar and filling in all the birthdays and events I need to keep and eye on next year, I write out a list of goals. I don’t do resolutions but I do list things I want to accomplish personally or around the house or trips I want to take. Last year I took it a step further and broke it down into categories. It is amazing how many of them are checked off at the end of the year in one way or the other.

The great thing about making goals is some of them can be used as building blocks for longer term (and I’m talking 5 – 10 year) accomplishments, so it’s not always a horrible thing if they aren’t completed when December 31st rolls around. The goals list is also useful to see where I need to focus better in the next year; where did I get lazy or skimp on myself. I haven’t done a thorough review of my 2009 list yet, so I can’t give a report out, but I’ll give myself a B against my 2009 list.

One thing I want to add to this end of the year ritual is what I am calling Days of Intention. I read a comment pointing out that starting today (December 20th) there are 12 days left in the year. A power number. How impactful would it be to envision a list of 12 days during the upcoming year that could become truly amazing touchstones? By envisioning these days you will create memorable, potentially pivotal, events in the future.

I think you could be very over the rainbow with these envisioned days. Putting it out there to the universe that you are open to magical events. And I think that is important too. But I’m going to use most of my days to create scenarios that are simpler and totally under my control. Things that I can either make happen or just be mindful and aware of when they are happening so I can guide them and imprint them into my memory banks, similar to cognitive dreaming.

So, look forward to the series, one for each of the 12 days, and I hope you will share some of your days as well.


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