
Thursday, December 9, 2010

The I don't do Gift Guides guide to Gift Guides

I don't really get into doing gift guides for the holidays. There is just so much stuff out there, I'd never have the time to pull together (I almost said "curate", ha!) all the things that I love and think are cool.  Maybe I need to save them up all year long so I can do one. 

But gifts are so personal.  Sure you can recommend a book, or some soap but that isn't that thrilling, even though those are the types of gifts we like to give.  But I actually love to read the gift guides that other folks have done.  So here is my Guide to Gift Guides when I don't do Gift Guides. And how do I pick them?  Well, when I want almost everything on their lists!

The entire Design*Sponge site could be a gift guide itself.  Everything they show is great.  But around this time of year they really step it up, from Monogram gift themes to under $25, $50 and $100.  Check out all of their gift guides here.

A huge part of me is my techy, nerdy, gadget-y side.  That's why I always grab and read my husband's Wired before he even gets a glimpse.  The stuff in this year's 100 Perfect Gifts could be my Santa wish list as is.  Love!

Are you looking for the perfect whimsical, slightly goofy and a bit tongue-in-cheek gift.  Yeah, The Shoe Girl has the list for you.  I have a bunch of the items already but I think I really do need everything else.  Maybe even this TMNT snuggie.  Mmmm  hmmm...

And not so much a whole guide but WendyB may have picked my favorite gift suggestion of the year.  A gift for 15th-16th century Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch (don't know him?  Look him up people!)  This is the kind of stuff I would seriously spend my money on.  It reminds me of my Victorian ostrich egg bowl with silver spoon handle feet.  What?  You don't have one?

Or, hey, just buy (me!) some WendyB jewelry.

All that said, I do have a few ideas for gifts.  We don't buy a lot of gifts at Christmas ourselves, because we get stuff all year long.  When we do buy stuff we try to make it a consumable item.  Local food specialties, events, donations.  We don't really need more stuff. So here are something I would buy as a gift.

1. Local or Favorite Charity

Everyone has something they are passionate about.  It could be a local rescue group, Farm Sanctuary, their town's library that needs repair or helping women start businesses around the world.  Show you really know the person and that you support their passions.  We all wish we could give more time and money to our favorite groups.  It's sure to be a hit.

2. Cut out the Ads

We're all using online tools and we live with things like ads or limits on content. Buy your friend or family member an expansion to make their experiences richer.  Whether it's a Pro Account on Flicker or an upgrade on Pandora, their going to love that you took it a step beyond just a gift card to iTunes (although, those are still great too!)

3. Local Fun

Last but not least, spending time with your bestie is the best gift of all.  And I'm loving that Groupon is introducing me to all of these cool and fun hidden gems that I didn't even know about.  From new restaurants to try to zip lines, I'm discovering my own town. See what's happening and then go have fun.

So there you have it.  Let me know what you get!


  1. Sounds like your be-legged egg item needs to meet this ornament. Though it would be bad if they fell madly in love and ran away. Which they could, having legs and all.

  2. The legged ornament is simply fantastic.


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