
Monday, February 28, 2011

The First Rule Is...

Even though we have cable for a few more days, I detest award shows.  I usually catch up with video clips and red carpet photos that night or the next day. But with folks live Tweeting all throughout, it's hard to keep away.

And after this Golden Globes appearance by Helena Bonham Carter, I was excited to see what her Oscars dress would be like.

And, to quote a commentor, how can you not love this crazy slag (Read this "Hot Slut of the Day" post).  She's the best.

But while I love so many of her characters, I have to say  that Marla Singer from Fight Club is dearest to my heart.

I mean, how can you not love a woman that says "You're not getting this back. I consider it asshole tax." or has it said about her "She's a predator posing as a house pet."

I need to find a way to wear her sexy, trashy, girl/woman wardrobe. If I could, I'd cut my hair and mess with men's minds. At least I can try to look like her...

By they way, I love this post on what Fight Club is really all about... Marla, of course.


  1. I don't really think "slag" is the word you want here. Unless you really DO think H. B-C is likely to drop her drawers for anything male? "Slag" is to do with behaviour, not the way you look.

  2. Thank you for posting that link to The Hathor Legacy! I've been on an archive binge for hours. But I don't think I'm going to try HBC's hairstyle.

  3. I adore Helena! I love your Blog, it's lovely!
    Please stop by my Blog @

  4. I love Helena, and Fight Club too! Totally going to try to replicate that beauty tutorial's look soon. : )


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