
Monday, February 18, 2013

Clearly Sophia Webster

Last June I wrote about a new designer that I was keeping my eye on - Sophia Webster.

Her first designs were bright and bold and I was expecting to see her gain more coverage.  I'm excited to say that she continues to delight with here designs out for Spring and Summer.  I'm especially smitten with her ruffle-bow and sequin-bedecked PVC "Lana" t-straps.

I saw these in a number of colors on her site, including red and blue iterations, but the bold black and white is more my style.

These are party and dancing shoes.  You want to kick up your heels and step out and get noticed!  I have another pair I'm dreaming about from Ms. Webster.  She's all the fun, flirty, girly that I love.

I think I have a new favorite designer!


  1. Hi! Your post is very good. Your blog is very fine keep it up.

  2. Those are SUPER cute!! I love them!!



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