
Monday, July 8, 2013

Ensemble du Jour - Six Years!

I hope you had an awesome 4th of July weekend.  I took off Friday and was able to get a bunch of errands done, including finally dropping off the huge pile of clothes and shoes I had to go to the consignment store and Goodwill.

We also went to see a ton of movies  - 4 in total with one more tonight.  As we were in chilly theaters all weekend, I threw a cardigan of the ModCloth At The Dog Park dress I wore out.  I was going to pair this with the Bass x Rachel Antonoff black/clear Maebird oxfords and sheer/black polka-dot socks but when I looked in the mirror it was a bit ridiculous, so I had to quickly switch to my sequin ballet flats.

I'm also considering having this dress hemmed shorter.

Other than nap all weekend, watch movies and eat out,  we had ourselves a small tea party in the library.  Our chess table is the perfect size for a two person tea so we think this will be our new Sunday afternoon tradition.

I made Lavender Sables (a French butter cookie like shortbread), tomato-basil and cucumber sandwiches and we also had berries sprinkled with vanilla sugar. We're like the Finer Things Club over here.

Oh yeah, and just one small thing... Shoe Daydreams turned SIX this weekend.  I know posting has slowed down some since those early days, but we're keeping on.

Because there's always more shoes to dream about!

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