
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Borrow some money, Get something blue

I haven't seen the movie yet and so I can't speak to all the specific details, but even I know what's the deal with this shoe from the SATC movie.

Here's a much prettier way to get a piece of the movie (better than the Eiffel Tower bag if you ask me) if that's your motivation. I'm guessing that this will become an iconic shoe just like the Sedarabys and the Campari Mary Janes.

They are gorgeous, and in one of my favorite colors.

I wouldn't have turned these down as a wedding gift! Although, the hubby's done his share of finding gorgeous blue shoes. So no complaining allowed from me.

The (soon to be iconic, if they aren't already) Manolo Blahnik Something Blue Satin Pumps are on pre-order now at Neiman Marcus & Bergdorfs.

Let the races begin!

UPDATE: New Pricing!

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