Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Looking for Blue Skies

I'm wearing all black for a meeting today (yawn, I know) but I did slip on a pair of really cute sky blue chevron tights as a nod to the blue skies.

Now if only I was outside enjoying the Spring weather....


WendyB said...

Dressing like a New Yorker, eh?

TheShoeGirl said...

I love you and your tights!

Anonymous said...

oui, very, really cute !
Any more picts ?

Anonymous said...

I need the details on the shoes! Love them!

Poochie said...

Anon -

They are from Steven and are called Playful. They're a few years old so eBay may be your best bet.

Rose said...

Very cute!

@SEBBYWOOD said...


Anonymous said...

The shoes are great and you can combine them with a lot of things

glee said...

love them :)