I was just browsing through Neimans and saw these gorgeous Manolo Blahnik heels. At first I thought they were a printed satin or silk but upon a closer inspection I found I was quite wrong.

They are actually pieced suede placed together to create the tapestry like pattern.

This d'Orsay style sandal is one of my favorite of his. The fit is very comfortable.

The color is very rich with the jewel tones that are so popular this fall. I was a bit surprised to find a sandal clad in such cool weather tones. But these are a part of the resort collection, so I guess that makes more sense.
I think I would prefer these as a pump, however, so that I could wear them all year round.
Initially I thought the same as you-- that they were a printed fabric as well! But look at that craft... absolutely beautiful! They remind me of the Manolos that got away...
Beautiful work!
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