I still have purple on my mind, but because I don't have any purple shoes (darn it! I need to fix that asap!) I had to settle for purple tights.
I bought some luscious colors from We Love Colors a while back but had yet to wear these yummy violet ones. I needed a purple fix. And I love all shades of purple with grey. They just play together so well. I wore a big snuggly grey cardigan from Target over a camisole. The skirt was my dressy denim Mizrahi, also from Target. The shoes are Report in grey patent.

2-26-09 - by Princess Poochie on Polyvore.com
The Focal Point
Well it was obviously all about the color! I had the tights but also remembered my pink and purple cameo necklace from Etsy. Love!
So, as a temporary stop-gap this helped but not totally. I need more purple! I have a great royal purple cardigan which I think I need to replace soon. I'm worried I'm wearing it out!