Photo by my hubby
Here's what's making my heart feel full this week:
♥ Steam - from trees in the sun, coming from the laundry exhasut on a cold morning, from warm words, the birds singing
♥ Bare tree branches - I love the Fall colors but I also like the stripped branches against a bright winter sky.
♥ Finding old girly princess stuff from my office when I worked at Disney. I now have even more pink in my office.
♥ That kitten up there
♥ Being productive and cleaning out the basement, especially when done together
♥ Vegan baking - I wasn't scared or doubtful but I was curious & it turned out great. Thank you Joy of Vegan Baking!
♥ Pictures of baby logger head turtles - they make me smile
♥ A vintage postcard with the words: Be good and you will be lonesome.
♥ My glowing salt lamp. I have this on my desk at work and it's meant to give off positive ions but I just love it's warm porange light.
♥ National Wildlife Foundation for reminding me how much I love wolves. They're amazing and super smart.
♥ Field Roast sausages & Celebration roasts - Of course it's better to eat whole foods but there stuff is so great for a hearty meal. Even if you aren't vegetarian, get some!
♥ Beethoven Sonate Op.110 - Six Variations/Les Ruines D'athenes Op.76
Find something lovely today!