I may not be always be lucky, but I am patient, especially when it comes to shoes I fall in love with. And, with enough time, I think the luck can be made to happen.
Last year I fell for these Chanel black and white spat boots cleverly
photographed on Claudia in Central Park.

Nice legs, but look at those boots!

Had to have them... couldn't find them. But then, on one of my rare visits to eBay, there they were! My size (or close enough). Way priced off retail. And all for meeeeeee........!!!!

For their first foray out, I paired them with black tights and a chunky, comfy sweater dress.

Those are snaps going up the outside.

To continue the whimsy, I added my black and white and red Alice's White Rabbit necklace from Paraphernalia.

Needless to say, I need to avoid eBay now for another 6 months. It's just too tempting and dangerous for me. But Miss WendyB will be pleased to know that I did snipe!