As we all know, skulls are kind of over and done with (unless you're really cool and ironic like me) and aren't we glad because they were ev-er-y-where on everything from scarves to shoes to earrings.
But the new motif I'm just starting to see around is the peace symbol. The symbol, which reached it's heyday in the 60's/70's is now coming back into vogue with our reclamation and reinterpretation of the fashions of those times.

If you use Polyvore, you know you can search through hundreds of pages of clothes and accessories. I found 15 pages of skull-related items and less than a page of items with peace symbols.
Here are just a few of the pieces at the head of the pack:
1. Donald J. Pilner Jibon - $225 (he has boots and flats with this too - Neiman Marcus)

2. Isabella Fiore Peace Embroidered Flat - $375

3. King Baby Studio Peace Dog Tag - $725

4. Isabella Fiore Peace Out Shoulder Bag - $595

5. Mickael Kors Danbury - $164

6. The Sak Peace Bag Shopper - $315

7. Koolaburra Peace Sign Boot - $425

We're rehashing the past. I didn't jump on the bandwagon for skulls, and I know I won't be getting in line for these. But it's interesting that we went from a sort of grisly image which followed a period of war and strife world-wide and now there is a big push for ending the war, mimicked with a resurgence of the peace symbol.
Ya heard it here!
P.S. A big shout out to Elaine, Sky High, Edwin Star (huh!), and Mr. Tolstoy for being fashion trendsetters.